Thursday, December 25, 2008

New Year New Job?

Just as people often start new diets, or join a gym in January each year, ( & most will fall by the wayside before Valentine's Day), so to do people make plans to get a new job in the New Year; new job, new you, and so on, with people thinking that if they get a new job, then somehow, their life will be better; their relationship will improve; things will look up, and so on.

The trick with gyms and diets, is to start in December, before the twin evil axis of Christmas and New Year crushes all, and lays waste to good intentions. The same is true of career planning - you need to start now, and then refine your plan over the holidays, talk to people, discuss your ideas with a career planning expert, before putting it into action as soon as it seems coherent, and certainly by New Years Day Boxing Day, or January 2nd.

As Frazier used to say, Talk To Me, Pontypridd...well, anyone really, you get the idea. You send your questions in, via a post on this blog, and I answer them, and then someone else may chip in and so on. And lets be careful out there people.

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