Friday, December 26, 2008

career planning in the uk

Here in South Wales it is cold and grey, and a chill wind is blowing off the mountain, a bit like the state of the shrinking UK economy at the moment.

All around the world, from America to Australia, from the UK and Europe to the Pacific rim, is the echo of an economy that is slowing, stalling, or coming to a grinding halt. This much we know.
What we don't know is what will happen next, although we can take an educated guess, or two, and most of them are not good.

The basics of career planning are well established, and become even more crucial in a recession, when career-agility is critical. We know that people can be taught the basics of career planning and with ongoing advice, guidance and counselling, can be helped to understand themselves and the process, and with coaching, make their own informed career decisions.

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